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WhatsApp messenger service can now be added to your website

Love WhatsApp?

We sure do, and we’re not alone! With over 1.5 billion monthly active users, WhatsApp is the most popular mobile messenger app worldwide. 

How would you like to have the WhatsApp messenger service added to your website to allow potential guests send you a message via WhatsApp?

The benefit of using WhatsApp is that the person sending you the message can only send a message when using their own WhatsApp, so you can be sure that you have their correct contact number. It’s a reliable way to send messages and convenient to have messages come directly to your phone.We’ve added this to our Web Design For Accommodation website so you can see this working on a website.

This fantastic new service is just £149.99+VAT.  Click Here to order now!

(Please note – you will need to have WhatsApp yourself to be able to use this service.)

WhatsApp messenger service can now be added to your website