
An amazingly easy way to get more people to visit your website

What message would you send…

If you could email someone that was interested in holidaying in your area, what message would you send them? You would probably tell them a little bit about your accommodation, the main selling points, and then perhaps ask them to visit your website to take a look for themselves.

Now imagine you could send this message to around 400 people a month!  How many people would take a look at your website to see what you have to offer? The answer is A LOT more than you are currently getting!

The hardest job any cottage or B&B owner has is getting their lovely accommodation seen by enough people. We have the same problem with our great website services. But we have found the solution – and it’s fantastic!

The answer quite simply, is Twitter – but not on it’s own. Most accommodation owners have tried Twitter and found it doesn’t work for them – why? Because they haven’t got the wonderful tools that we have built in-house, to enable Twitter to become one of our most valuable marketing tools.

We initially built the service for our own marketing needs, but quickly realised that our owners would hugely benefit from this, especially site owners who weren’t getting enough visitors through to their website.

How does it work?

We explain it really well on our information page here please take a look to read how the service works – our clever system does what it would take several hours for a human person to do EACH day – but also does things that a person couldn’t do – which is what makes it work so much better than someone trying to do it on their own.

It costs just £14.99 per month (payment via direct debit) for our “Just Follow + Direct Message” service or £24.99 a month for our Full Twitter Service whereby we also tweet out on your behalf.

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