The Importance of Good Accommodation Photos: Why Your Smartphone Might Just Be Enough

The Importance of Good Accommodation Photos: Why Your Smartphone Might Just Be Enough

Online platforms now dominate the hospitality industry, so the first impression of your accommodation often comes from the photos you present. Whether you’re listing your space on Airbnb,, social media or your own website, good accommodation photos play a pivotal role in attracting potential guests. And while professional photography might be the gold standard,…

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Demo: Browser ChatGPT as a chatbot for your B&B website

This video demonstrates how ChatGPT would answer if it was installed on your own website, as a helpful chatbot assistant. This is using just the free version (3.5) of ChatGPT, and has shown to work brilliantly. Here is the text we used for the prompts: Me: I would like you to act as a information…

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