Optional Extras
[vc_row bg_style=”stretch” video_bg_overlay=”none” margin_bottom=”20px”][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Please note: The following services are for existing website owners only…
Below are some extra options that will improve your website’s functionality and either save you time, effort, improve your rankings, or all of the above![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row bg_style=”stretch” video_bg_overlay=”none” margin_bottom=”20px”][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]
Call Now Button – (Only shows whilst viewing your site on Mobiles)
This is ingenious – and we think that in the next few years you will see nearly every site will have this!
If someone is looking at your website and wants to give you a call, you want to make it as easy as possible for them to be able to do this. It’s fine if the visitor is looking at your site on a PC…they can easily pick up their phone and they can dial your number. But it’s not so easy when on a mobile… It’s frustrating trying to “Copy and paste” a phone number from a website…
A huge percentage of people searching the internet are doing so using smartphones and so it makes sense to have a Call Now facility that allows the mobile user to simply press this button to make a call to the site owner.
How this will help you: This is going to make a lot of difference to your bookings, as it makes it that much more easier for someone to give you a call when looking at your website via their mobile.
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Reviews Adding Tool
It can be quite time consuming to add reviews by hand, especially if you are typing up a review a guest has left you in your actual guestbook!
You can now ask your guests to leave a review directly on your website – which you can then manually approve and then hey presto, it will then show up on your Reviews/Testimonials page. We recommend that you don’t try and get your site visitors to leave your site to read your reviews on Tripadvisor, as this site is especially good at showing your visitor other accommodation and they may well not return to your site!
How this will help you: Having a review added directly on to your site by the visitor will make this job of adding reviews easier, which means that it will get added to more frequently! The more reviews you show, the better – people reading good reviews are more likely to book!
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View Reviews Tool in Use
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Get A Video on Youtube
Youtube is one of the largest websites in the world, and having a link back from this site is considered beneficial as it provides you with a good quality in-bound link to your website, which helps your search engine optimisation (which helps you get found on search engines).
In addition, Google now owns Youtube, and will often return in it’s search results videos, which means that your video could also be returned for relevant searches.
But also very important, is that a video can really sell your accommodation to online visitors. We create a video using your own photos and we add a few titles throughout the video. The video looks really lovely, and it brings your photos to life, in a way you might not expect!
We offer a short video (which uses 20 photo) or a large video (which uses up to 40 photos)
How this will help you: Enhance your website with a lovely looking video – which showcases your accommodation beautifully, as well as get a valuable link to your website from one of the largest sites in the world.
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View A Video
[/vc_column_text][vcex_spacing size=”30px”][vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/NKHWMoFKmrc”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row bg_style=”stretch” video_bg_overlay=”none” margin_bottom=”20px”][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]
Add A Blog
What is a blog? A blog is a series of articles, and nowadays nearly all professional websites have one. They might call it “Latest News” but essentially, it’s a blog!
A blog greatly increases the size of your website – and size matters to Google as well as other search engines. The larger your site, the better – and a blog is a nice tidy way to add numerous pages without adding a lot of clutter to your main website pages.
It’s so easy to use too! We add the blog facility which allows you to simply send your article via en email – and hey presto, it will appear on your site! You can attach photos to your email too, to add nice images to your article. In addition, if you already are using Twitter & Facebook, as well as Google + we can connect your social media to your blog, so that anything that appears in the blog will also get added to your social media at the same time. (Please note, we require access to your FB, Twitter etc accounts to connect them).
How this will help you: Increasing your website size will help you rank better on search engines. If you are using social media it will save you time by avoiding having to login to these to add fresh content.
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Pot and Barrel B&B in Bude use their blog perfectly – they mention current events that will bring in traffic, and as it is linked to their social media, everything they add to the blog also appears on their Twitter, Facebook as well as Google + pages. Job Done!
View Pot & Barrel’s Blog
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Install Analytics
Do you want to know how many visitors visit your website? And where they came from? Perhaps you want to know if the sites you are advertising on are referring anyone to you. If that is the case you need analytics added to your site!
We can install Google analytics (if you already have an account set up) but we recommend Statcounter – it’s much easier to understand and navigate (we think Google has made it unnecessarily difficult to use their analytics) and you also get emailed once a week a report to show you the number of visitors you have had (you then can log in to your statcounter account to see more in depth visitor information.)
It’s fascinating (and can get a bit addictive) to see the visitor traffic on your site, as you can see which pages they have visited, and which page they left you from. You can also see the length of time they spent in total on your site.
How this will help you: It can save you money by not renewing any listings which aren’t sending you valuable traffic. You can also see how you can improve i.e. if you can see that not much is coming from your social media for example.
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